What most of you don't know, is that I have a terrible and disgusting habit. I bite my nails. It started as an infant and I would bit my lips...then it went to my hair...then it went to my clothes...and then it evolved to my nails. When I'm stressed out, sad, upset, or angry, I bite worse than other times. It is really disgusting, I have never had nails above my finger tips...ever. They aren't even close.
Kit Cat is such a girly girl, and I am always painting her nails, and she wants to paint mine. I let her, but it just looks so silly so I take it off the next day. I have decided that I am going to grow them out. I've tried in the past, but I lacked the proper nutrients and they were pure white and bent with any little touch. I'm going to do it this time and have healthy nails. Twister has also begun trying to bite his. I know he's just immitating Daddy and I, as we both do it when we're in the car. He looks up front and all he sees is us doing it...so naturally he does too. I don't want him to. This is going to be so hard, as my life is generally pretty stressful...or I should say, I'm generally a person that stresses over little things.
I am really slacking with Father's Day this year. I still haven't had the kids make anything for Allan yet. We don't have any money to purchase any supplies or anything, so it will all be from stuff we already have here at home. I have no ideas, and I need to get it done today at some point. Hopefully I'll be able to think of something or search online and get a good idea of something we can do for him. He works so hard for us that he deserves something special.
Last night I decided that I will be doing childcare from home during the day. I printed up my posters and am going to put them out today. We need the extra money. I also applied for 3 night jobs, so that means Allan will no longer be delivering pizza if I get one, he'll be home with the kids at night while I go to work. His delivering pizza just is not a reliable second income, and we need that. So if I work, that will be something we can count on. We are in a financial slump right now (or I should say continue to be, as we don't seem to get out of it), and may be moving sometime this summer if we don't get out of it by the end of July. I really hope that we can pull this off. It means a lot of hard work on both of our parts and a lot of sacrifices. I have faith we can accomplish it though...we just have to think outside of the box.
6 years ago
I hope that you have success with watching kids at home. I tried it and it is was really hard for me. I had a child whose mother had EXTREME issues though. I'm sorry that you have to get a night job, but I totally understand. We are just now feeling like we are STARTING to come out of the financial pit we have been in. I'm afraid if I breathe that everything will got to pot again. I really hope you don't have to move. Is your business doing ok? I wish I was there to give you a hug!
On a side note. I started taking coral calcium and my nails are no longer thin. I can grow them out pretty long and they don't break. They also grow REALLY fast now too.
Oh and for father's day we don't have any $$$ either. I made Robbie a really neat card with this poem about footprints and I did the kids footprints on it. I also wrote him something special from my heart. You are so creative I know you will be able to come up with something:)
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