Friday, May 2, 2008

Still Fed Up

I went to bed at 12pm last night, and went and slept in Kit Cat's room. Allan still was not home. He didn't get home until after 1 sometime, I know this because I lay awake until just after 1am and he still wasn't home. He didn't try to talk to me when he came home either, he got his stuff and went downstairs onto the couch (even though I wasn't in our bed anyways, I was in Kit Cat's room).

I didn't wake him up for work because he had the alarm with him, I'm not his mother.Twister was up at 6am, so I went downstairs, changed his bum, got him a drink, and we went back into his bedroom and played for awhile. There is no clock in there, and we ended up lying down on the couch in his room and falling asleep. We woke up at 8:30am, walked downstairs to change his bum again, and it woke Allan up. He was an hour late for work. It's now almost 9:30am and he just left for work. We didn't talk to each other at all, other than simple answers. He asked where the phone was, I said "I don't know". He kissed the kids goodbye, without saying goodbye, and then left.

If he calls from work, I'm not answering the phone. I honestly have no wish to talk to him on the phone when he can't talk to me in person, and right now I just have no wish to talk to him at all. He also yesterday forgot he was supposed to go to the grocery store with us last night, I don't drive so he goes with us, well he didn't. So this morning the kids had pasta for breakfast. They'll have soup for lunch and spaghetti for dinner. If it weren't raining I'd walk to the grocery store, but that would mean I'd have money on me, he has it all, so I don't even have money to buy anything. I am beyond not being impressed.


Anne Elizabeth said...

I would take you to the store if I lived closer. What the heck is his deal? I'm so sorry cole (((hugs)))

David said...

Big hugs from here too! I feel like racing over to A & P and buying you and the family some chocolate, Cheesies and some red licorice. I hope your weekend is good. BTW Nicole, I wanted ot say thank you for your kind comments on my posts the past few days. It has been hard to focus on anyything the past few days, and your warm kind words mean the world to me. Thank you so much. I consider you a friend.

Cole said...

Thanks hun, I just hope he smartens up soon. I so don't have the energy to deal with this with everything that is going on with Tristan.

Cole said...

Thank you David! Your blog gives me hope and strength when I read it, you have such a strong and inspirational family with story to tell of true faith, love, and strength!

Anne Elizabeth said...

How was your day? I miss you!