Friday, May 30, 2008

More like a wedding!

Things have been insanely hectic around here for the past while preparing for Twister's Baptism. It certainly feels like I'm planning a wedding with all that is involved! Kit Cat's was definitely not this complicated, but this time we are doing a traditional Italian Baptism. I met with the professional photographer we chose the other week, and he is amazing. The menu is organized and delegated (for the most part, there's some stuff I will have to do). We all have our outfits, other than Allan, he has to go and have his suit altered, something I can't do for him but wish I could because he will wait until the day before. :S As of right now, 49 people (that's people, not families) have RSVP'd and will be attending the reception at our house....I'm sure there will be more that just end up showing up, I was late in sending out the actual invitations, the digital ones I sent early and everyone knew about the date, so you'd think people would RSVP as soon as they get the paper one as they already knew for months when it was, etc. But, no. Doesn't work that way unfortunately. It's frustrating. I need to know how many favors to do this weekend, but without a final list it is quite difficult. Not to mention the food...we're going to end up with tons and tons of food here and watch no one show up! It's just all very stressful. I also have 7 people that will be staying here for the weekend, my family. I'm very excited about them coming, we're going to go to the ROM (art museum) on Saturday for the day, it will be nice to unwind for a day before the Baptism. But, knowing how I am, I'll just be stressing about the following day. I am an anal planner and I plan everything down to the last t....but unfortunately, things don't always go as planned. I have Allan for that. Because I'd freak out on my own lol .

Kit Cat had her first soccer game this past Thursday, she did awesome once she stopped picking flowers in the field! lol Seriously...she was sitting cross legged in the field picking flowers! Once her friend's Mom got her up and got them going though, she did awesome going after and getting the ball! I was so proud of her at the end of the night!

Yesterday I volunteered at her school for the morning, I had to sit on one of those itty bitty little tyke's know the yellow ones? They are smaller than Kindergarten chairs! I was in it from 8:30 until 11:30...needless to say my back was killing me so I was very grateful when Allan surprised us by picking us up instead of having us walk home as he said he was going to do!

Twister had his doctor's appointment this week for his 15month shots. He's so behind on shots. I had Kit Cat ears checked as well and they are great! Tristan's are clear as well!!! Tristan was a trooper with his shots, he hasn't gained any weight still or grown in height at all. But, his head is growing, so his brain is growing, and developmentally, other than speech because of his ears, he's right on target to where he should be! So our doctor isn't concerned at all...and neither am I. We are a very short family.

I hear Twister running around upstairs now saying "Night Night", so I'm going to get off and go toss him in his bed for a nap and get some stuff done!

1 comment:

Anne Elizabeth said...

I really wish I could come to his baptism. I'm there in spirit though and I can not wait to see pictures. You have been so busy:) That is too funny about her picking flowers. I bet she is having a blast playing.
I'm so glad that BOTH of their ears were clear. I miss you tons. When things slow down for you, we need to talk and catch up. Give the kids a big hug for me:)