Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I've always thought my daughter was beautiful, as all mothers think their children are. But today we were outside playing in the backyard, and she was just laughing. We were playing soccer, and I had the camera around my neck while kicking the ball back and forth with her. She was laughing and it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Here are a couple picks of KitCat while we were playing soccer. I just love her so much! Allan picked up her jersey for soccer tonight, it's her first year playing on a team! She was thrilled today to find out that Daddy is going to be her Coach for soccer!!! The Assistant Coach is my friend's husband who's son is also on the same team!

Twister had a blast playing with the wagon. I was pulling KitCat around in the wagon and he decided that he wanted to pull it around! Despite being so tiny, he grabbed ahold of that handle and started pulling away with all of his might! It was so adorable to watch him be so determined to succeed.

Micky enjoyed being outside as well, and lay in the shade at the back of the yard against the fence. The kids then thought he looked way too peaceful, and decided that he needed to play as well! KitCat had her stuffed dog "Pal" outside with us to play, so he wanted to play with Micky, and then Tristan found one of Micky's toys in the grass so had to bring it to him to try and get him to play with him. He is such an amazing dog.

And since I'm in a picture sharing mood right now, here's also a couple I got of Twister while KitCat and I were kicking the ball around.

And here are a couple from yesterday of the kids and I!

1 comment:

Anne Elizabeth said...

I love 'em all!!!! Twister and Kitcat are so cute, and kitcat is VERY VERY beautiful just like here mommy. Mickey makes me miss dexter. He looks like the perfect kid dog:)