Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tech Support, Nicole speaking...

I feel like I am a tech support person most of the time. My Mom, Mother in Law, Sister, and numerous friends call me each at least once a day for computer help. I need to set up a 1-800 # and make some money off of it! lol The past couple days have been busy with helping people with computer stuff. Today my Mother in Law is coming over with coffee for the morning so that I can teach her how to use her computer efficiently. She's trying to get back into the job force, and needs some computer skills to enhance her resume.

So my kids have been doing some cute stuff lately. Kit Cat came into our room on Monday morning, it was pouring rain, but no thunder and lightening. She woke me up and was all excited saying "Mommy! God is sleeping!" I asked "What? Why would you say that?" She said "Because, when it thunders and lightenings God is having a party you said, and right now it's raining hard, but no party! So he must be sleeping!" I said that she was right, and laid down thinking I could get another 5 minutes of rest before Twister woke up. She came back not even 5minutes later "Mommy?" "Yes Kit Cat?" "I thought God was always watching us? So if God is sleeping, who's watching out for us?"....keep in mind, this is coming from my 4 1/2 year old! "Kit Cat, God is has very special powers, so God is able to watch us even when he is resting! He can see even with his eyes closed!" That answer sufficed and she went off to play in her bedroom. It just amazes me at her interest and concept of God. She loves going to mass and actually listens to what is being said, and asks me questions throughout. She doesn't want to go to Sunday school, she wants to stay up with us and listen to what is being said. It seems that everything Kit Cat sees and talks about, always has a religious twist to it. Allan's insistent that she's going to become a Nun when she's older!

My girlfriend Anne sent me a link with some pictures of her gorgeous kids the other day, her daughter is almost a year younger than Kit Cat, and her son is just under a month younger than Twister. She had pictures of her son sitting at the table having lunch like a big boy! Kit Cat has been wanting to try this, but I wasn't sure if he (or I) was ready for it. So, when I talked to Anne on the phone yesterday I asked her about it, and while on the phone with her, Twister had his first meal at the table like a big boy! I'll attach a couple pics at the end of this. He was so proud of himself and kept giving me the silliest grin every time I moved away from the table and left him sitting there eating. Of course, when I picked up the camera he'd lose the silly grin! It was all a ploy to get me to pick it up and take his picture! It was very sweet to see both of my kids sitting at the table next to one another, not in highchairs, but actually sitting beside one another. Twister kept trying to grab hold of Kit Cat's food, he doesn't yet have the concept of my plate is my food your plate is your food. He even put his hands together, like he does when he's in his highchair, to say prayers with Kit Cat and I.

Time for me to get off of here, Twister is using the couch as a step to get to the half wall!

1 comment:

Anne Elizabeth said...

oh my gosh nicole that is absolutely adorable. I really like your new bench too. Our kids are all getting so big:)