Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Amazing Weekend

We had an amazing time on the weekend! It was our first vacation together as a family, other than going to the cottage to visit Allan's parents or to visit my parents. The trip was definitely what we needed, and the kids had such a blast! I have pics but too many to post on here, so if you want to see them you can go to our Picasa albums...if you don't have the link just shoot me a message and I'll pass it on! But, here is one family shot from Sunday when we went to see the Falls.

Today Kit Cat rode the school bus again for the first time since October! She was quite excited about it, I'm quite concerned. I hope the issues from before have been corrected (there were JK kids found playing in the field next to the school, they were not being properly supervised after getting off the bus).

Twister's new habit is now to shake his head no and say "Na". He's been saying "Na" (no) for quite awhile, and shaking his head as well, but not together. Now he does it if he doesn't want something...Twister do you want to go to bed "Na" with the shake of the head, do you want to talk to Grandma "Na" with the shake of the head, are you hungry "NUM NUM!" running for his highchair! lol I will try to get him doing it on video.

So on the weekend I didn't focus on taking pictures, which is not normal for me. I took no pictures within the water park, Shannon got a couple of me and Twister in our suits before we went into the water (and I braved a bikini for the first time since having kids!). I just focused on having fun with the kids versus snapping pictures. There is really no way to do both when you're in there because your camera will end up being soaking wet. We have the memories though, and they will last a lifetime!

1 comment:

Anne Elizabeth said...

I am so glad that you had a good time. I was really hoping that it would be a fun time of refreshment! Tristan is adorable. I can totally see him saying "NA". Very cute! I hope the bus ride goes great for Caitie. The pic you posted is cute. I do want to see more though. Can you send me the link?