Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Will it ever end?

So, I am 99.9% certain that Twister has an ear infection right now. He has all the symptoms he has every other time. His nose started running really badly on Monday, and then yesterday he started yanking on his ear, and then today he slept all day, he was only up 2 hours in total. I spoke with his specialist/surgeon today and he said it does sound like he's got another one, so he's going to try to get him in this week to see him. They are going to call tomorrow morning and let me know the soonest date, hopefully they had a cancellation today and Twister will get in tomorrow.

The problem is that he has complete resistance to all of the meds he can take for it. They are going to have to put him under again, and suction the infection out. The problem with this the doctor said, is that often the tube gets suctioned out as well. So, if that happens they will have to put another tube in...that will make 3 tube surgeries in a month.

Please pray that his infection can be suctioned without the tube being removed so that he doesn't have to have the full surgery again.

1 comment:

Anne Elizabeth said...

Nicole- I am so sorry to hear that. I pray that it is not an infection and if it is that they can find a med to work. Keep me posted!