Kit Cat turned 5 years old on September 4th, I still can't believe that I am the Mom of a 5 year old! We had a small dinner party on her birthday, and she is having a horse back riding party with her friends at the end of this month. She grew 4 1/2 inches in the past year!!! She's my tall scrawny kid!
Twister grew only 1/4inch in the past year and has gained only 1/2 a pound. He is my little tough guy. In addition to his Soy diet, he is now on a gluten free diet. The adjustment to the soy was really easy for us, the adjustment to the gluten free diet not so much. I have to cook a separate meal for Twister each time that we eat, his snacks have completely changed...all the way around it is a lot more difficult. But, it means that his tummy feels better and I am not changing his diaper every 30mins, so that is much nicer! It hopefully means that he will grow and gain some weight as well. He's still wearing his 6-12month clothes. I have not had to buy him any clothing, he's wearing what he wore last summer and last fall, and still has room to grow in it all. His face looks much older, and he acts older, but still is the same size, it's nice to still have a little baby though!
Allan and I are going to be getting engaged soon! We were talking about October, but with the recent situation in our life we may put it off until November. Our plan is to get married in 2 years at the latest. I am looking forward to it! The only thing that I find difficult is that it means our having another baby is put off until after the wedding, which is long as we have no difficulties conceiving in a couple years.
Kit Cat started Senior Kindergarten and is loving it! She adores her teacher and her best friend is in her class as well. I applied for my police background check so that I can volunteer in her school. I found out this year that it is the school board's policy that any person volunteering in the school must have one done. Last year this was not enforced at all, which due to the recent situation I am not impressed with at all. But, thankfully they have smartened up and are being very strict with enforcing it this year. Mine should be in within the next couple weeks and then I'll be volunteering at her school to help with crafts and stuff in the classroom.
Another update is I got my eyeglasses!!! I can see again!!!! I am doing amazing at wearing them every day all the time as well! I am actually forgetting to take them off which is a change from the past! lol I have gotten in the shower with them on and then remembered, and gone to bed with them on and then remembered! Below are a couple pictures of me with them on, I haven't taken many pictures lately, so excuse the cowboy was from when we had a couple friends over for some drinks and they bought cowboy hats at the rodeo they were at that day. They were quite comfortable! One is of Allan and I, the other of my girlfriend and I.

Wednesday morning of this week my mother in law is taking me to go and write my driving test, so I will have my drivers license (well, assuming I pass) by Wednesday afternoon! I'm nervous because of the fact that it is a test, but anxious to finally get it over with!
And just because, here are a few pics!

Kit Cat & Meme (my Mom) baking cookies

Kit Cat eating a HUGE peach (it was pretty much the size of her head!)

Mommy, Daddy & Kit Cat at the campfire at Meme & Papa's

Kit Cat and Mommy at the fire (with Popple from Aunt Laura)

Daddy's Girl, Kit Cat & Daddy

Kit Cat

Kit Cat & her Uncle Danny

Happy to have a Happy Meal!

My beautiful girl....

There's a smirk!

The Birthday Girl ready for school!

Blowing out her candles!

The girls at the dinner party!

Twister on the train to go see Meme & Papa (and pick up sissy)
Twister & one of Kit Cat's babies
My babies at the park
Kit Cat and her baby cousin Logan
Twister helping Daddy wash the dishes
After helping Daddy wash the dishes (I love how he's looking at him!)
Playing with the hula hoop
Trouble maker climbed on the counter from the table, going into the cupboards! :S
My handsome shaggy boy ready for a hair cut!
Forget the dogs going into the kids food! Tristan is CONSTANTLY trying to drink the dog water! I had to take a pic before getting him out this time!
Fell asleep while we were eating dinner
Somebody's wide awake in the morning!

Kit Cat took this picture and I absolutely love it! Twister posed for her!

Can you say attitude?

Thinking he's going to get a piece of birthday cake....

No cake for him, but he gets his chocolate soy ice cream that he LOVES!
And I'll save the rest for later! I have way too many pics to share since it has been so long!
I love all of the pictures. Twister has changed so much. He is such a big boy! Kit Kat is so beautiful. I can't believe she is already five. I didn't know they still made Popples. I used to have one and I LOVED it! You look really good in glasses and yay for being able to see:) I am really excited to hear your are getting engaged. If you have a big wedding I REALLY want to try to come. I know that you have some really hard things going on right now! I love you and I'm praying for you all.
Thank you so much hun...I love you! It was one of the officer's on the case on the other line which is why I didn't come back, more news...and I'm even more upset right now than I was before which I didn't even think was possible.
They actually don't make Popples anymore, my sister found a brand new one in the package still on ebay and got it for Caitlin for her birthday! They are awesome!!! I loved mine too!
And you soooo have to come to my wedding if you can!!!
I'm glad to see more pictures! I miss seeing those two! how did they grow up so fast? and you and allan look like you guys are doing great!! congrats on the engagement!
I have a popples :)
No engagement yet!!! Which is a good thing!
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