Thursday, September 18, 2008

Busy day...

I have been quite busy today working, I got Caitlin's Halloween card for school designed...I love it! It's up on my business website. I also got a couple orders in late last night (checked this morning and they were there). One for a wedding and one for a birthday, I got both of them done today as well. I also designed my nephew's 1st birthday invitation today!

This morning there was a content sale right around the corner from my house...and this woman had FABULOUS stuff!!! It was her mother's actually, she is moving into a nursing home so getting rid of stuff. My girlfriend got an oak bedroom frame that was gorgeous, for only $150. I got my Dad's Christmas presents, an antique crock butter churn with lid, and an antique crock with parents are obsessive antique collectors. I spent $45 on those...she wanted $60, but I bargained her down. I found a rocking chair I really really wanted...and when I got home from going to help my girlfriend pick out her glasses, it was in my living room!!! Allan bought it for me! It's the stain of wood that I want to do our next baby's room in (the crib, dresser, etc.), and I am just so happy he thought of me and picked it up! I'll try to get pics of it tonight! Twister keeps climbing onto it and rocking himself singing "Rocka baby" over and over again lol It is absolutely adorable!


Anne Elizabeth said...

That is awesome! What deals! I can't wait to see some pictures.

Little Mrs Sunshine said...

those are great deals! I also can't wait to see pictures! that was very thoughtful of Allan. Twister sounds so cute :) BTW congrats on the potty training. You will have to tell me your secret. I must be the slowest potty trainer every... but we're getting there!