It has been quite awhile since I've been able to get on here to post, real life has been kicking our butts around here lately. Things are looking up though and we are coming out stronger, which we didn't think was possible (as we thought we were already as strong as we could get together)!
I am doing great! I went for my eye appointment last week and had to go back for a second test which left me unable to see for 24hours. I now have an increased appreciation for the ability of sight. You don't fully appreciate it until you don't have it! Thankfully, my tests came back great! I just have really bad vision. I got my new prescription on Saturday, and Monday I went to pick out my new frames. I will have my glasses within the next couple weeks! Other than that not much else is new with me.
Allan got another promotion and raise at work! A big raise!!! We are back to making really good money once again, and he gets AWESOME bonuses each month now, so we are doing better than we have financially in a few years, back to making close to what he was making when he had his company! Now it's just a matter of finishing playing catch up with our bills and debts, then we will be ahead....I look forward to being able to go to the grocery store and not have to add up every little thing I put in with taxes as I'm doing it! lol To be able to grocery shop without an amount I can NOT go over without having to put something back!
Kit Cat is doing amazing! Soccer is done for her now, she really enjoyed it. We were going to put her in indoor soccer for the winter, but have decided to let her try something else. She went horse back riding a couple weeks ago, and we're going again for her Birthday. She wants to do that instead of having a regular party, so we are going to have her best friend and her family come with us on some trails. Next summer she will be old enough to go to horse camp for the summer and will be able to start lessons that fall. She's really looking forward to it! I'm hoping to get her back into her dance this fall as well. School starts for her in a couple weeks, September 2nd. We find out who her teacher is on August 29th. She's nervous about starting. It's all the chagne. She is nervous about having a new teacher, new classroom, new kids in her class, and the possibility of not having her best friend in her class. We're hoping to avoid the last worry and have them both in the same class. I think once she gets in and sees it's not that bad she'll be okay though.
Twister is doing awesome! He is now 100% potty trained!!!! He isn't even wetting a diaper at night and nap time! I am sooo proud of him! Everyone asks "What did you do?", I did nothing! He did it all himself! He had been ready for quite awhile, but we didn't have the extra money to get him a potty. We had one that sits on the toilet from Kit Cat, but he is too small for it and falls through, so he had to have one that sits on the floor. We got it and since then he's been using it! For the past week now he has had no accidents at all! I am so proud of him!!! His speech is doing amazing too! He has gone from being behind in his speech to now being ahead! He is just one strong little boy! I am lucky to have the kids I do, both he and Kit Cat have been through so much in their little lives, but always see the positive and come out on top! I have learned quite a few lessons from them and I'm sure will only continue to learn more. Twister still has not grown or gained any weight. He's still 27inches and 19lbs. He goes to the doctor the first week of September and they are going to do some more tests on him. Our doctor isn't overly concerned because he is continuing to develop, but we just want to test for some things to make sure there is no underlying issue. Our big worry right now is diabetes as it runs very strongly in my family, and is also in Allan's.
Both our dogs are doing great! Yo & Zoola have gone to heaven...and I'm not sad to say I don't miss them one bit! I did all the work with them and they were just two little rodents that I had to make extra time to take care of. Kit Cat didn't even notice that they were gone until a month after it happened, so that shows how important they were. She's much more of a dog/horse kid.
Kit Cat has been at my Mom's for the past week, I'm headed there tomorrow morning with Twister. Allan will join us Saturday night and then we will be back home Monday night. It is the first time I've gotten to go all summer, I miss them so much. I did have my nephews here for 4 days a few weeks ago, and although it was great having them, it was nice when they left. It was a lot of work! I basically had 2 sets of twins. It was wonderful seeing them though. It's hard living so far from my family and not being able to closely watch my nephews grow up, or rather watch them grow up via pictures on a computer. I had such a close relationship with Hayden when he was born and until I moved here, and my sister with Kit Cat. It's sad that we don't have that with Twister & Logan, and they don't have with eachother what Kit Cat & Hayden have.
I'm off to run to WalMart and grab paper towels...I started cleaning up so that we could leave a clean house tomorrow and Twister threw the last of mine in the garbage after dipping them in the dog water! I have really missed my friends and we will have the internet back soon.
Before I go though, I want to say a HUGE congrats to my girlfriend Anne & her family on their pregnancy!!!!! I am so happy for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 years ago
It was wonderful to catch up with you today:) I am so thankful that things are turning around for you. I hope you have a fun trip to your mom's. I will talk to you next week:)
Nicole I have been wondering how you are. I miss you! I am SO SO SO glad to hear things are turning around for the best for you again. You deserve it. Sounds like there are a lot of amazing things going on in your life right now and thats the way it should be.
Way to go Twister! He is an amazing little boy!
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